Cara pasang google pixel camera xiaomi redmi 5a tanpa root berikut adalah cara pemasangan google camera di xiaomi redmi 5a tanpa root dan terbukti memperbaiki kualitas foto dari sebelumnya : 1 silahkan kalian hubungkan xiaomi redmi 5a ke pc dengan menggunakan kabel usb, ingat! fitur usb debugging harus sudah aktif 2. Download gcam no root redmi 5a. The leading smartphone brand xiaomi has released the redmi 5a which is called by the name #deshkasmartphonethe phone has the code name, rivafinally, twrp recovery for this device is now available & using this now we can install supersu on this device or magisk root to grant root access.
download gcam no root redmi 5a
Pertama pastikan smartphone redmi 5a sudah dalam keadaan unlock bootloader dan ter-root kedua, anda juga harus enable camera2 api (catatan: lakukan dengan menanggung risiko sendiri) cara install setelah syarat-syarat sudah terpenuhi, anda harus men-download google camera modifikasi dan install seperti biasa di redmi 5a setelah ter-install. Salam hangat dan persatuan mi fans seluruh indonesia thread pertama saya ini akan men-share bagimana cara install gcam no root no ubl fitur yang bisa digunakan antara lain 1. photo sphere 2. panorama caranya gampang download aplikasinya from redmi note 5a #9. semua versi bisa ga gan? 2018-03-31 21:19:06.. Download the popular google camera app for xiaomi redmi 5a. there are two known working builds for the phone. both apk files are the modded gcam version ported from google pixel 2 device. use it to nail a currently trending bokeh shot on either the front camera or the rear camera of your snapdragon-425-powered phone. however, just like many common ported gcam mod apps available out there.
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