Among redmi note 7 users, ported gcam apps made by bulkin043 aka parrot043 is the most popular one due to its high compatibility rate download gcam v7 for redmi note 7 on android 90 pie the only build of gcam v7 that works on either miui rom or a custom rom based on android 90 pie is its version 70x. Download camera gcam redmi note 7. This post was last updated on january 22nd, 2020 at 05:14 pm a working mod of google camera 72 or gcam for redmi note 6 pro running on android 10 or android pie is now available to download which is built by onfire the key feature on this build of gcam 72 for redmi note 6 pro includes 60x zoom and astrophotography mode.
download camera gcam redmi note 7
A working mod of gcam or google camera for redmi note 7 pro with 48mp and night sight support is now available to download which is based on bsg’s port these gcam for redmi note 7 pro are no…. Download google camera (gcam) untuk redmi note 7 terbaru – jika kamu ingin menginstall google camera dengan night sight di redmi note 7, kamu datang ketempat yang tepat, karena kami akan memberikan link downloadnya dibawah.. Rootsuz redmi note 7 google camera nas